Why not better to play the opposite principle do? Small missions and such in case of winning over several times and hope for further gains in series. Leaving aside the use and profit are, it's called stand up. It offers a casino, so to speak Paroli and gets the profits in good fortune with the money of the bank. If one were to make the fullest use Parolisätze eg up to the tenth stage and has to create the rare good fortune to 10 Plus results in a row, a five-digit profit would have been achieved. And with only € 10 to enter. The rest of the capitalization funds the casino. It has a certain sense, the bank forced to play against the player, the Martingale progression.
Of course, it will create, no one in the very first attempt to double its 10-to 10.Stufe. It will take many futile attempts, and will be frustrated if the accumulated intercompany go after four to seven steps completely lost. To protect the nerve you will bet on shorter Parolifolgen, for example up to the third or fourth stage. Or one thinks about Teilparoli strategies with intermittent skimming. No matter how we end up making it appear at the end of all forms of profit progression more sense than the more dangerous Martingale progression.
In the diagram above, the Paroli depicts the 3.Verdoppelungsstufe. Far left is the basic bet (in the example of the 100 chip). In addition, the chip stack of 2, which is pictorially for 1.Spielgewinn. After the first successful Parolisatz it becomes a stack of four chips. After the repeated standing leave all previous operations and profits for a stack with 8 chips and the next stage will be from 16 chips. The successful successful so you can stand up to 3x versechszehnfachen with € 100 € on first use this 1600th This corresponds to an expected gross hits from Cheval. In that case you would put on only two adjacent numbers and guess this really need. At Cheval-hit get paid but little more, but the relation of use and profit at least similar.
The tendency has been for some time in the game system market news described above. About this basic principle, there were previously several publications, said the book Telatzky-Verlag displaced rhythms and trends should be stressed. The following represented the main forms of trend-examples have in practice and in empirical tests such as useful proved that the tendency to play well for roulette basic strategy can be described as. With consistent application and a trained sense of the best trend (if several attack options are available) can be longer lasting profit runs achieved, as with other roulette systems. Interestingly in this context, the fact that some system vendors at the last time the words "you also to the tendency" to sprinkle the eighth. I'd put in another way: Make sure only to the trend. |
Roulette trend 1: Series / Nose |
A common tendency to observational picture: An opportunity will appear in series. In between comes the only Gegenchance Einercoup (nose). The length of the series is arbitrary, but should ideally be in the range 3 to 6. In practice, I'll wait longer lead from one, as shown in the example. Often manages the entry, as in the example: 2 hits, then a miss or I get the plus / minus sequence + - + - + personal in perpetuity. In both cases, part of the attack brings a piece of surplus. It is long on the Favorites page (in this case red) then move on until the picture is changing trend. This could be the case when the game begins, only 2-series and Einercoups occur after. Immediate termination if they are on the "nose" page (in this example, "S" series, such as black). |
The tendency of Phoenix won the player of the Company held by Casino4all roulette "Grand Prix" , which lasted over 13 game weeks, taking it to a large extent by the tendency was playing. The basic strategy described here is only a general basis, which is still a lot more. In addition I am counting a flexible response to the amount of use during the permanence of personal. This only works with a lot of experience you can train yourself to. |
The permanent display at Casino4all is a bit strange. In the German runs casinos displayed vertically, the permanence, and 12-20 numbers are shown. Who in Valkenburg Holland Casino or another once was, is horizontal Permanenzanzeigen know. In casino4all figures were each the last 17 thrown displayed with the scale from right to left shifts. The latest coup is thus left to see each. The screenshot above shows a trend phase, the tendency of a player named "roulado" was actually recorded by (23.08. Until 13:42 clock). The black / red sequence corresponds to a hybrid of the above series, nose-trend and a classic exchange coup-trend, which is described further below. As the Zweierserien on the black side were limited to intermittent-rates were not made, but it became easier for the chance superposition Black played with. Had it in the above, however, occasional Permanenzabschnitt Zweierserien, both on red, even on black and given as otherwise, only the one-coup, we would have this tendency to change course have to adjust the game with. |
Roulette trend 2: alternating tendency |
This tendency image may appear very long lasting. Coups single and two-series are the most common manifestations and thus logically occur more frequently in compound on it. As long as one between the coup-or 2-series Intermittenzcoups only occur as the trend image is intact. This phase is set to change the chance. As long as the trend image by 3-or long series is interrupted one not, stays the course of their own plus / minus result in the worst case - + - + - + etc., in the favorable case result sequence looks rather like this: + / - + + - + + - etc. The legendary million winner Thomas Garcia recorded only the trend of progression, and won with his so spectacular and long lasting, that the casino in Bad Homburg from ruin was near. Garcia-playing techniques refined over soon I'll post some more. |
Roulette trend 3: serial changes |
Some players prefer this trend trend pattern, which only appear in series. Following three to four series of length 3 or greater (which leads 2-series can occur in between) you set each to the previously published opportunity. It is not certain favors a chance, but we adapt to the trend that almost all serial or. Result of coups occur. In practice I tend occupation of this image is only rare because I almost always with a tendency to phase 1 or 2 images found tables. Only if the change-room trend, the series tends picture clearly confirmed, I will start an effective game after Phase 3 Makes me uncomfortable while the permanent game against the isolated One, the other is the phase consciously factored in, but here the attack will stop. At my casino tour last year (105 visits to 29 different casinos, including Monte Carlo, Baden Baden, Dortmund-Hohensyburg etc.), I got the impression that the serial changes were apparently more unstable than the trends 1 and 2 . |
Roulette tendency 4: "chaos" phase - No Charge! |
If none of the above phases occur in pure form, created unstable tendencies to which we are unable to adapt properly. Almost every player is such a tendency "mixed phase" losses make, as the above basic trends demonstrated a short initial stage will not go on. Who makes the mistake, recently lead a supposed tendency to follow too, is this chaos phase in a series of false starts do. The permanence of the player's personal nose will be long minus-series with occasional Plus "occur". A feature of this phase of instability is the occurrence of larger series of three on both sides with a chance in between scattered isolated Einercoups. There is no clear favorite, but not a predictable tendency to recognize patterns. If the "hall-trend" of a casino is so unstable, I start the actual game at a later date. Only when the phases are clearly visible up to three times a, and the trend is the most stable recorded. Who is already on the smallest shapes and patterns oriented (eg at the Alyett'schen figures) and after just 4-6 lead coups attacks, with no tendency to observe the parent is often safe in costly chaos-phase fall, as the consistent tendency player. |
(SYSTEM MARKET NEWS extra 2 / 1997)
One of the most obvious weaknesses of the Lotto game is the fact that generally only half the game proceeds will be distributed as profit!
What a difference the other hand, Roulette, where the Bank% of all sales are satisfied with 2.7, so 97.3% of all transacted bets go to the dividend (for players on even chances are even 98.65%). What else would have high chances of winning gambling to offer a way? Although the roulette game - compared to most other countries - here is a popular means (we have nearly 40 state-licensed casinos in Germany [cited 1997]), many times, the lottery is a popular than this "elitist" Casino game. Obviously it will take care the least that the chances of winning the lottery are much lower than in roulette. For this judge to be able to, it requires a certain mathematical education, few have known.
According to a calculation of the Federal Statistical Office, it is four times more likely to be killed by the lightning, the lottery than to have 6 correct. It is even 2600mal more likely to suffer the road-as to land the jackpot. 60.6% of our population still play occasionally or regularly Lotto, but only 4.7% occasionally or more oftenroulette. So widespread within the population of the suspicion, even at roulettecould be manipulated (40%), so it surprised the other, but that 55% of respondents not exclude at least that one can develop systems that help you in roulette with security could win.
But what are the odds of the roulette objective?
Mathematicians have only one answer: "The longer one plays, the more certain he will use every 2.7% of it lose. But who knows, that one-Lotto on long term with 48.34% loss of its operations must anticipate Saturday's?
So we ask whether and how high profits in roulette, at least theoretically possible - are. The maximum limits on a 5-Mark-table amount respectively to an amount of profit the bank in case of a payoff of max. 7000 marks forces. Consequently, the maximum is 200 and here for a number of simple chances (EC) 7000 Mark. For the 10-table subject to the double sums.
With 5 Mark can Plein than the 35-fold gain. EC only to the simple. Or? If you think just comes to the possibility of "Paroligewinne make", ie mainly with the money of the bank "playing. But for that it must come to EC to longer series. After all pieces is a 5-Series to RED with Paroli net effect is already 31 plus. But how often does a series of 5 are to RED? In my lexicon is on page 563 under "sociable" more accurate information: average every 71.5 coups once. If one payment to each hit a piece of it, then brings the series even gross 62 songs, while we only need to use pieces 71.5 average.
But what if we take on huge long series unpredictable? A 12 series comes on predetermined EC 11 000 Coups, although only every once before, so in diameter once per table per month. But they could already meet tomorrow. What's going get?
Although we already after 10 to the maximum responses come to stay over 4428 pieces! Unless we impose the excess payment amounts then the other opportunities to Plein then, are almost 5500 pieces, DM to reach 27 500 or so on 10-table twice.to meet this series has a probability of W = 0.00091, or approximately equal to 4 winning Lotto. There, however, there are only 112.60 Intersection DM, because with over 4300 other players must share the profits.
The fact that so many people still play Lotto each week, so it can on the dubious advantage of low operational ceiling are only spread hope to achieve an extraordinarily high income, and the simplicity of the rules. The above-mentioned drawbacks of the lottery to the roulette not want to admit, most obviously - or they are simply displaced. V.Haller Kurt
figure | hostile eqivalent |
single | series |
series of 2 | series > 2 |
series of 3 | series > 3 |
series of 4 | series > 4 |
series of 5 | and so forth......: the sum of all singles in a roulette permanence is equal to the sum of all series. The sum of the series of 2 is equal to the sum of all series greater than 2. etc.etc. |
isolated single | cluster of singles |
cluster of 2 singles | cluster > 2 singles |
cluster of 3 singles | cluster > 3 singles |
cluster of 4 singles | cluster > 4 singles |
cluster of 5 singles | and so forth......: the sum of all isolated singles in a roulette permanence is equal to the sum of all clusters of singles. The sum of clusters of 2 is equal to the sum of all clusters greater than 2. etc. etc. |
isolated series | cluster of series |
cluster of 2 series | cluster > 2 series |
cluster of 3 series | cluster > 3 series |
cluster of 4 series | cluster > 4 series |
cluster of 5 series | and so forth...... the sum of all isolated series in a roulette permanence is equal to the sum of all clusters of series. The sum of clusters of 2 series is equal to the sum of all clusters greater than 2. etc. etc. |
isolated series of 2 | cluster of series of 2 |
cluster of 2 series of 2 | cluster > 2 series of 2 |
cluster of 3 series of 2 | cluster > 3 series of 2 |
cluster of 4 series of 2 | cluster > 4 series of 2 |
cluster of 5 series of 2 | and so forth...... the sum of all isolated series of 2 in a roulette permanence is equal to the sum of all clusters of series of 2. The sum of clusters of two series of 2 is equal to the sum of all clusters greater than 2. etc. etc. |